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Technologies About Laser Cutting Machine

Technologies About Laser Cutting Machine


China is the world's largest producer and consumer of steel. In recent years, to meet the processing needs of the industrial market, a variety of laser processing systems for pipe cutting have been introduced. In recent years, along with the rapid growth of China's metal pipe production and consumption, advanced laser processing system solutions have been used in large numbers in the pipe industry production and processing, especially in the processing applications of stainless steel, alloy steel, silicon steel, galvanized steel, nickel-titanium alloy, chromium-nickel-iron alloy, titanium alloy and other metal pipes.

At present, although the tube laser cutting machine equipment is rapidly gaining popularity in China, the rapid growth of CNC cutting talent and laser tube cutting technology demand, but the serious shortage and lag of laser tube cutting equipment and CNC cutting talent and technology, resulting in low cutting efficiency, poor cutting quality, resulting in a serious waste of base material phenomenon is also highlighted.

For the main technical problems of laser tube cutting, we list some of the main technical considerations of the pipe industry for business owners to refer to.

1. The cutting of laser cutting machines

For large lengths of metal pipe full stroke automatic laser cutting under the process requirements, in the mechanical structure of the unique dual-drive pneumatic chuck rotation mechanism, through the movement of the machine tool to cut the pipe processing, with the table along the workpiece axial movement, can achieve large lengths of metal pipe full stroke automatic laser cutting under the material.

2. The CNC cutting of laser cutting machine

CNC cutting is a high-volume, high-efficiency, high-quality pipe cutting production method, the core of CNC cutting is the CNC cutting system. It refers to the cutting control software of the CNC system to provide advanced cutting process and rich cutting experience, so that the cutting operation workers through the skilled use of the control system to achieve high quality, high efficiency CNC cutting.

3. The nesting software of laser cutting machine

First, through the professional tube cutting nesting software on the computer in advance of drawing, nesting, undercutting segmentation programming to generate NC cutting program, and then full-stroke automatic laser cutting undercutting of large length metal pipe. Professional pipe nesting software is the basis and prerequisite for achieving high volume, high efficiency, high quality cutting production of CNC pipe cutting machine.

4. The cutting process of laser cutting machine

As the pipe cutting (especially for small diameter square pipe), the slag attached to the inner wall of the tube, most of the heat generated by cutting is absorbed by the workpiece, cutting density, often resulting in pipe overheating, corners and square tube four corners over-burning, seriously affecting the quality of the kerf, or even unable to cut.

For such problems can be used: keep the cutting nozzle and the workpiece surface plane of the focal point of the same, so that the cutting effect is not affected by changes in the surface of the workpiece; increase the method of oxygen pressure; through the software to improve the speed of sharp angle synthesis

Today, laser tube cutting technology is in the process of rapid development and continuous improvement, with the computer technology, mechanical structure, cutting technology and optimization algorithm of continuous updating and development, laser cutting machine of CNC laser tube cutting technology will be more prominent to show its intelligent, fast and optimized cutting process and skills, for laser tube cutting machine of high efficiency cutting, high quality cutting, as well as saving pipe and energy consumption, to provide technical support .



Contact: Candy Guan, Max Yuan

Phone: 008613170811607, 008618396850306

E-mail: candyguan@goodcutcnc.com

Whatsapp:008613170811607, 008618396850306

Add: A2 Block, Sanqing Shiji Caifu center, High-tech district, Jinan City, Shandong Province, China